Martin Doerfler, Nadene LeCheminant, Mary Liepins, Sumon Montri, Matt Reike and Sarah Rote hiked the Perimeter Trail in Silver Falls State Park in early November, and saw quite a show. The yellow leaves of vine maples, big leaf maples and Devil’s club were brilliant through the mist of the old growth rain forest. We enjoyed the drip of wet leaves on the ascent and sunshine on the descent, and stopped to say hello to the “Mother Tree” coming and going. There’s nothing like hiking with old and new friends in a beautiful place. Nadene led the hike for Roz Shirack, who wasn’t able to make it.
Martin Doerfler, Sarah Rote, Sumon Montri, Matt Rieke and Mary Liepins

Sumon Montri, Martin Doerfler, Mary Liepins, Matt Rieke and Sarah Rote

Yup, we’re tree huggers! … Sarah with the “Mother Tree”