Events - Event View
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About this event
The Olson Road steps (168 of them) and adjacent fire road can get the heart, lungs, and legs pumping. We'll go up and down one or more times (your choice) followed by a walk through the Abiqua Heights neighborhood then down Danger Hill to downtown where we can enjoy a beverage and goodie before walking along Silver Creek back to the cars. Indicate when you register whether you'd prefer carpooling/caravanning from south Keizer or meeting in Silverton. No texts please.
Difficulty: Medium
Pace: Moderate
Hiking Distance: 3 miles RT
Elevation Gain: 100-200 feet
Driving Distance: 25 miles RT
Registration Info
Registration is not available online - contact the event coordinator
The Trip Leader is the event coordinator. The Trip Leader has the final say over who may participate in the event.
Hiking Trip Ratings:
EASY: Maximum of 5 miles round trip, elevation gain less than 1000 feet
MEDIUM: 6-10 miles round trip, elevation gain 1000-2000 feet
HARD: Long, difficult, and strenuous
To reimburse drivers for vehicle operation costs, the suggested donation by passengers is $0.10 per mile per person to the driver.